The Best Way To Join The Apple Eco System

Andrew Barry
2 min readJan 1, 2022

If your reading this you are probable trying to get into the apple eco system but you don't know where to start well I think this might help.

If you have watch some of the YouTube videos they have a crazy small budget like $500 and they go out and buy everything used, but that's not what I would recommend. Most people will go on eBay and buy A Mac, A iPad and an Apple Watch but there is a more logical way to join the apple eco system.

You would start with the iPhone if you are trying to stay away from contracts I you would get the iPhone SE and if you are open to contracts you could get an iPhone 11 or 12, I would always recommend that you start with the iPhone because you get into both iMessage and FaceTime.

Next I would recommend the Apple Watch unless you don't want an Apple Watch but I recommend the Apple Watch because it goes Hand In Hand (latterly) with the iPhone having the convenience of being able to take a phone call from your watch in mind blowing.

In my opinion it is best to do it gradually because you can get much better quality, but you can most definitely join the apple eco system using only used Apple Products in fact my first iPhone was used and there is nothing wrong with it. But next the iPad & Mac

Both the iPad And Mac are the least essential, If you do decide to buy one or both of them, I would suggest you buy them last. When you are buying them it is very important that you get an iPad a screen that is big enough, or a mac with enough storage, So if you pay attention to what you are requiring from your current devices.

I hope this article helps you on your way to becoming a member of the Apple Community.

